
Amelia enjoying a one to one Zoom session with Reach Mansfield staff

Amelia enjoying a one to one Zoom session with Reach Mansfield staff

Amelia is joining in with Reach Mansfield's online classes as well as taking part in a weekly one-to-one Zoom call or socially distanced walk (weather permitting!).

"During Lockdown at a time that was confusing with no routine for all of us, I can safely say you and your team saved us and Amelia’s lives. The amount of calls, Zooms, work packs, quizzes, one-to-one walks and the distanced gift you dropped off absolutely kept us all going. 

We couldn’t have got through this time without you and I can’t thank you enough for the lease of life you continue to give Amelia."

Katie, Mum to Amelia

By supporting our Big Give Christmas Challenge appeal your donation could be doubled. Help Reach to support local people with learning disabilities to feel happier and healthier through online learning and social activities.

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#ChristmasChallenge20 #onedonationtwicetheimpact