Fundraising Success at Southwell Racecourse Ladies Day

In News by Sarosha Byrne

Our fundraising team and volunteers had a great day at the races on Sunday 18th August. Southwell Racecourse kindly chose us as this year’s charity for Ladies Day.

Our first place raffle winners!

At our stall we had a stiletto toss game, very creatively designed by Sarah, our Fundraising and Communications Officer. Our big-ticket item was our raffle which proved incredibly popular! Thanks to some extremely generous prizes donated, up for grabs were…

  • First prize – £500 Jimmy Choo gift voucher
  • Second prize –  a helicopter tour and bubbly for two
  • Third prize – a Marco Pierre White dining experience for two

Thank you to everyone that spoke to us, and purchased raffle tickets or donated.

We raised an amazing £2758.77 that will go a long way to help us to continue to deliver high quality support to our clients.
A big thank you to our volunteers for giving up their time and contributing valuably to the success of the day.

Thanks to MW Entertainment who supported with our collections. They also ran a prize draw of their own, featuring John Altman AKA Nasty Nick from EastEnders!


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