Reach Off Road 2017 – A huge success!

In News by Sarah Cobb

We are delighted to announce that 428 riders of all abilities took part in Reach Off Road on Sunday 7th May. The weather was beautiful and there was a wonderful buzz of excitement. The event has so far raised around £6,500. We hope this figure will rise as sponsorship money comes in. Thank You to everyone involved!

We would like to thank everyone who came and took part in the event and helped raise much needed funds for Reach. We would like to say a huge thank you to our volunteer organising committee, volunteers, marshals, Southwell Explorers for assisting with parking, buster marquees. Thanks to all the enthusiastic cake bakers who helped bake hundreds of homemade cakes for the event. We would also like to thank the very cooperative local land owners and Simon Davis for the use of his rescue vehicles.

Thanks to all our generous sponsors- Rode Cycles for providing the prize bike, Southwell Co-op and Newark Morrison’s for providing water. M&S Newark, Maxeys Farm Shop, Bakkavar, the old sweet shop Southwell and Atherleys for providing refreshments.

 Without the support of these wonderful people the event would not go ahead.


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